Tuesday, November 18, 2008


In the recent presidential electorial debates, there was much banter about Obama, and Socialism. Here is an interesting view on Socialism, and how it's played a part in our History.

"For decades the U.S. government has handed out far more welfare benefits to big corporations than to poor people. Companies like IBM, General Electric, Boeing, and others rake in over 100 billion dollars of subsidies each year. In other words, socialism has been a prominent feature of our so-called capitalist system for a long time. Recently, Karl Marx's influence has made even deeper inroads into the American way, with the government becoming part-owner of many banks in order to keep them solvent...

Will any of this fantastic largesse be extended to us regular citizens, like maybe in the form of nationalized health care?" Is the question posed by astrologist Rob Brezny, on his site "Freewill Astrology."

I can't answer that question either.
If you'd like to pitch in on the subject, feel free to email me, or drop a comment.

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